Helpful life hacks for every supermom

Hey moms, I have a little secret you need to hear:

Those women you envy because they seem to have it all together and get it all done

Those women who have kids, but somehow their houses are not a constant disaster all the time and they even manage to stay tidy and organized….

Those moms who have careers, do ALL the mom stuff, have time to care for themselves, and still stay sane…

Those moms who must have more hours in a day than you because, how else can they do all the stuff they do when you can’t imagine how to fit even one more responsibility into your life without completely breaking??…
Yeah, those ones

Here's the secret that just might change your life right now:

Those women are not Supermoms. They are not more capable than you, they are not better at life than you.

They have just figured out how to make things easier on themselves.


And guess what…YOU CAN TOO!

You do not suck at mom-life because you are struggling. This life is hard. Being responsible for all the mom things while trying to be a healthy, whole person with some semblance of autonomy seems impossible sometimes. 

Welcome to SuperMom Life Hacks! This is the place to be to learn all the ways to make your life easier. Believe me, when you wonder how those Supermoms do it…THIS is it right here. They have learned the hacks, and now you can learn them too!

Hi! I'm Carmen

Mom of 7 and I've earned the title, professional calmer of chaos, for good reason. This space in the internet is my place to share all the helpful hacks I've learned to help me feel less chaotic and more in control of my time and energy.

This is my family.